maxima on os x

>>>>> James Amundson  (JA) wrote:

>JA> On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 11:35, Raymond Toy wrote:
>>> >>>>> "Dick" == fell   writes:
>Dick> I apologize if this is an often asked question. I have
>Dick> installed maxima on my mac running the latest os x. What
>Dick> lisp should I install and where should I get it? I have
>Dick> found several versions of lisp that work on the mac but I am
>Dick> hesitant to load one of these until I make sure that it will
>Dick> work with maxima.  Thanks, Dick Fell
>>> I think openmcl, cmucl, sbcl, clisp and gcl should all work with
>>> maxima on Mac OS X.  I personally tried openmcl and cmucl and both
>>> worked, when I tried quite some time ago.

>JA> We haven't heard from anyone using openmcl in quite some time. I would
>JA> guess that maxima is broken with openmcl, but only in trivial ways. If
>JA> you do try openmcl, please report back. I would like to keep the port up
>JA> to date.

It works with 0.13.7 but not with 0.14.2.
Piet van Oostrum 
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