Runing maxima under WinTeXmacs

> On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, Andrej Vodopivec wrote:
>> maxima -p
>> "F:/Programi/WinTeXmacs/TeXmacs/plugins/maxima/lisp/texmacs-maxima-5.9.1.lisp"
> Will this work if the path contains spaces, like
> C:/Program files/WinTeXmacs/plugins/maxima/lisp/texmacs-maxima-5.9.1.lisp
> ?

No, if there are spaces in path it does not work.

> Will this work if I use
> %TEXMACS_PATH%/plugins/maxima/lisp/texmacs-maxima-5.9.1.lisp
> ?

Yes, this works.

> I did practically the same thing some time ago (on a friend's computer, I
> have no access to Windows computers myself). And it did not work, I have
> no idea why.
> Of course, it would be good to get some of the functionality of the Linux
> plugin back, at least maxima help. But this is a great progress: for the
> first time maxima plugin runs under Windows.

I don't know much about writing bat scripts, but grep is included with
TeXmacs. If sed would be included also, one could rewrite sh scripts and
get most of functionality back.
