assigning operators - case sensitivity problem?

--- Raymond Toy  wrote:
> >>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier  writes:
>     Robert> I don't see a motivation for case insensitivity of user-
>     Robert> defined operators at present; if there's no explanation
>     Robert> in sight let's consider disabling this feature.
> Someone else will have to make the decision of disabling the
> case-insensitive behavior of operators.

Jim?  You there? ;-)  I'll file this as a fix for 5.9.2 bug tonight -
if for some reason the current behavior is desirable it can simply be

> But I've played around a bit, and by just removing the calls to
> upcase (or making upcase do nothing), the case sensitivity is gone. 
> So CY's example now looks like this:
> (%i1) postfix("F");
> (%o1) 				      "F"
> (%i2) postfix("f");
> (%o2) 				      "f"
> (%i3) (x)f:=x*a;
> (%o3) 				  x F := x a
> (%i4) 40f;
> (%o4) 				     40 a
> (%i5) 40F;
> (%o5) 				     40 a
> %o5 looks wrong to me.  Shouldn't it be something like "40 F"?
> If so, there's something else that needs fixing.

Yes, this is wrong - F should not have inherited the definition from f.


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