Subject: assigning operators - case sensitivity problem?
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 14:34:58 -0500
>>>>> "CY" == C Y writes:
CY> --- Raymond Toy wrote:
>> (%i1) postfix("F");
>> (%o1) "F"
>> (%i2) postfix("f");
>> (%o2) "f"
>> (%i3) (x)f:=x*a;
>> (%o3) x F := x a
>> (%i4) 40f;
>> (%o4) 40 a
>> (%i5) 40F;
>> (%o5) 40 a
>> %o5 looks wrong to me. Shouldn't it be something like "40 F"?
>> If so, there's something else that needs fixing.
CY> Yes, this is wrong - F should not have inherited the definition from f.
Oops. I must have had some leftovers because when I did a recompile
instead of playing with the repl, I get:
(%i1) postfix("F");
(%o1) "F"
(%i2) postfix("f");
(%o2) "f"
(%i3) (x)f:=x*a;
(%o3) x f := x a
(%i4) 40f;
(%o4) 40 a
(%i5) 40F;
(%o5) 40 F
This seems more reasonable. I can't comment on Andreas Guelzow's
issue with %o3, but at least %o5 seems to be right.
So just deleting all calls to (upcase operator) takes care of this
issue and all tests pass.