Subject: assigning operators - case sensitivity problem?
From: C Y
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 19:28:27 -0800 (PST)
--- James Amundson wrote:
> There is no question in my mind that operators should be just as
> case-sensitive as everything else in maxima. Please do file a bug
> report and mark it as "fix for 5.9.2."
> Ray pointed out that the bug also affects $prefix, $infix, $nary,
> $matchfix, and $nofix. What we really need is at least one test case
> for each.
Um. I'm not familiar with those - I was just poking around with
postfix to begin with. Anybody have a good handle on some test cases
for those? It will be a bit before I can mess with them, my schedule
for the next week or two is rather insane.
P.S. - are we adding checks for upper/lower case behavior to the test
suite, or is that not needed? Might come in handy if porting to a new
lisp with odd behavior or some such, but other than that would we ever
expect the bug to reappear?
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