How can I calculate the matrix's exponential? wrote on 04/01/2005 04:33:53 AM:

> By using 
>    a:Matrix([b,c],[0,d]);
>    e^a;
> I cannot get the wanted result, Please tell me how to get its result? 

There are at least three packages for matrix exponentiation.
I'll describe the one I wrote. Get the file 'matrixexp-1.0.tar.gz' from and unpack it.
(%i1) load("l:/matrixexp-1.0/matrixexp");
(%O1) l:/matrixexp-1.0/matrixexp.lisp
(%i2) m : matrix([b,c],[0,d])$

To exponentiate a matrix, use 'matrixexp.' 
(%i3) matrixexp(m);
Proviso: assuming d-b # 0
(%O3) matrix([%e^B,(C*%e^D-%e^B*C)/(D-B)],[0,%e^D])

The proviso message tells us that d-b = 0 is a special
case.  Let's substitute d -> b 

(%i4) subst(d=b,m);
(%O4) matrix([B,C],[0,B])
(%i5) matrixexp(%);
(%O5) matrix([%e^B,%e^B*C],[0,%e^B])

To compute exp(m z), where z is a scalar, use an
optional second argument

(%i6) matrixexp(m,z);
Proviso: assuming d-b # 0
(%O6) matrix([%e^(B*Z),(C*%e^(D*Z)-C*%e^(B*Z))/(D-B)],[0,%e^(D*Z)])

To find log(m),

(%i9) matrixfun(lambda([x],log(x)),m);
Proviso: assuming d-b # 0
(%O9) matrix([log(B),(C*log(D)-log(B)*C)/(D-B)],[0,log(D)])

Finally, the spectral representation (linear combination
of projections plus a nilpotent)

(%i12) spectral_rep(m);
Proviso: assuming d-b # 0
(%i13) spectral_rep(subst(d=b,m));
(%O13) [[B],[matrix([1,0],[0,1])],matrix([0,C],[0,0])]

See the file 'matrixexp.usage' for more information.
