gnuplot_preamble not working in texmacs interface

Unfortunately, the documentation on maxima or texmacs does not specify 
where to send a problem with running maxima in texmacs. So I am sending 
it both the lists hoping that someone will tell me which is right place 
to post such requests in the future.

To reproduce the bug

start texmacs

Document -> Add Package -> program -> varsession
Edit -> preferences -> keyboard -> Automatically close brackets
Insert -> session -> maxima
Session -> input mode -> mathematical input

In the maxima input type
plot(x, [x, -1,1], [gnuplot_preamble, "set grid"])

The output will be

Incorrect syntax: GRID is not an infix operator

[preamble, set grid]

But the above command works fine in the usual maxima session. So 
something must be wrong with the texmacs-maxima interface. Can someone 
tell me what to do? If a bug report needs to filed, I would be glad to 
do it.
