>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier writes:
Robert> Well, I'm OK with testsuite_files, but can we make
Robert> the default directory file_search_tests ?
Robert> For consistency with file_search_maxima, file_search_lisp,
Robert> file_search_demo, and file_search_usage.
Robert> Can we also make file_search_tests a list (even if it is
Robert> a list of one element) ? Again, that is consistent with
Robert> the existing search directory variables.
Ok, that wasn't so hard. I done as you've suggested.
file_search_tests is a list of directories/patterns to search for the
test files. testsuite_files is a maxima list of the tests that we
want to run. run_testsuite takes an optional third parameter to
specify which tests we want to run from testsuite_files.
One thing I forget to mention is that if, say, you only want to run
rtest14, only rtest14 is run, but we use the expected tests from the
rtest14 entry in testsuite_files. Not sure if that's what we want.
Anyway, here is a patch that implements these ideas, in case anyone
wants to play with this. Patch is a diff against the latest CVS
Someone else will have to decide if this should go into 5.9.2 or not.
diff -u -r1.43 init-cl.lisp
--- src/init-cl.lisp 3 Apr 2005 23:35:54 -0000 1.43
+++ src/init-cl.lisp 18 Apr 2005 16:43:28 -0000
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
"Directories to search for demos.")
(defvar $file_search_usage nil)
+(defvar $file_search_tests nil
+ "Directories to search for maxima test suite")
(defvar $chemin nil)
@@ -234,6 +238,8 @@
(combine-path (list *maxima-sharedir* share-subdirs
(combine-path (list *maxima-docdir* usage-patterns))))
+ (setq $file_search_tests
+ `((mlist) ,(combine-path (list *maxima-testsdir* maxima-patterns))))
(setq $chemin
(list '(mlist)
(combine-path (list *maxima-symdir* lisp-patterns))
Index: src/mload.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/src/mload.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 mload.lisp
--- src/mload.lisp 13 Apr 2005 00:58:51 -0000 1.26
+++ src/mload.lisp 18 Apr 2005 16:43:29 -0000
@@ -956,19 +956,41 @@
-(defvar *testsuite-files* nil)
+(defmvar $testsuite_files nil)
(defvar *maxima-testsdir*)
-(defun $run_testsuite (&optional (show-known-bugs nil) (show-all nil))
+(defun intersect-tests (tests)
+ ;; If TESTS is non-NIL, we assume it's a Maxima list of (maxima)
+ ;; strings naming the tests we want to run. They must match the
+ ;; file names in $testsuite_files. We ignore any items that aren't
+ ;; in $testsuite_files.
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+ (if (symbolp x)
+ (subseq (print-invert-case x) 1)
+ x))
+ (cond (tests
+ (intersection (cdr $testsuite_files)
+ (cdr tests)
+ :key #'(lambda (x)
+ (maxima-string (if (listp x)
+ (car x)
+ x)))
+ :test #'string=))
+ (t
+ (cdr $testsuite_files)))))
+(defun $run_testsuite (&optional (show-known-bugs nil) (show-all nil) (tests nil))
(let ((test-file)
(setq *collect-errors* nil)
- (load (concatenate 'string *maxima-testsdir* "/" "testsuite.lisp"))
+ (unless $testsuite_files
+ (load (concatenate 'string *maxima-testsdir* "/" "testsuite.lisp")))
(let ((error-break-file)
- (testresult))
+ (testresult)
+ (tests-to-run (intersect-tests tests)))
- (loop with errs = '() for testentry in *testsuite-files*
+ (loop with errs = '() for testentry in tests-to-run
(if (atom testentry)
@@ -983,8 +1005,7 @@
(setq testresult
(rest (test-batch
- (format nil "~a/~a"
- *maxima-testsdir* test-file)
+ ($file_search test-file $file_search_tests)
:show-expected show-known-bugs
:show-all show-all)))
Index: tests/testsuite.lisp
RCS file: /cvsroot/maxima/maxima/tests/testsuite.lisp,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 testsuite.lisp
--- tests/testsuite.lisp 13 Mar 2005 01:28:12 -0000 1.18
+++ tests/testsuite.lisp 18 Apr 2005 16:43:29 -0000
@@ -5,15 +5,16 @@
;;; of the test problems that are expected to fail, e.g.
;;; ("testfile.mac" 7 9 13).
-(setf *testsuite-files*
- '("rtestnset.mac" "rtest1.mac" "rtest1a.mac" "rtest2.mac" "rtest4.mac" "rtest5.mac"
- "rtest6.mac" "rtest6a.mac" "rtest6b.mac" "rtest7.mac" "rtest9.mac"
- "rtest9a.mac" "rtest10.mac" "rtest11.mac" "rtest13.mac" "rtest13s.mac"
- ("rtest14.mac" 57 63)
- ("rtest15.mac" 4)
- ("rtest16.mac" 4)
- "rtestode.mac" "rtestode_zp.mac"
- "rtest3.mac" "rtest8.mac" "rtest12.mac" "rexamples.mac"
- "rtesthyp.mac"
- "rtestmt19937.mac"
+(setf $testsuite_files
+ '((mlist simp)
+ "rtestnset" "rtest1" "rtest1a" "rtest2" "rtest4" "rtest5"
+ "rtest6" "rtest6a" "rtest6b" "rtest7" "rtest9"
+ "rtest9a" "rtest10" "rtest11" "rtest13" "rtest13s"
+ ("rtest14" 57 63)
+ ("rtest15" 4)
+ ("rtest16" 4)
+ "rtestode" "rtestode_zp"
+ "rtest3" "rtest8" "rtest12" "rexamples"
+ "rtesthyp"
+ "rtestmt19937"