Re: turn off maxima command echo when I run a script in batch mode


Set TTYOFF to TRUE will turn off all output, which is not exactly
what I expected.

What I'm looking for is the method to turn off the command echo (C labels)
when I run the script in batch mode.

For example, assume that I have a script call analysis.max, which will do
some analysis ...  and I want "maxima -b analysis.max" only show the
me the final result of the analysis, not the detail procedure or steps
inside "analysis.max".

Thanks anyway.


On 4/20/05, Christiansson, G.A.V.  wrote:
> You wrote:
> -----------------
> Hi,
> How can I turn off maxima command echo when I
> run a script in batch mode ?  Thanks
> Regards
> KC
> ---------------------------
> Look at the TTYOFF variable:
> (%i3) describe(TTYOFF);
>  0: TTYOFF :( for Input and Output.
> Info from file C:/PROGRA~1/MAXIMA~1.1/info/
>  - Variable: TTYOFF
>      default: [FALSE] - if TRUE stops printing output to the console.
>  - macro: WITH_STDOUT (file,stmt1,stmt2,...)
>      Opens file and then evaluates stmt1, stmt2, ....  Any printing to
>      standard output goes to the file instead of the terminal.  It
>      always returns FALSE.   Note the binding of display2d to be false,
>      otherwise the printing will have things like "- 3" instead of "-3".
>           mygnuplot(f,var,range,number_ticks):=
>            block([numer:true,display2d:false],
>            with_stdout("/tmp/gnu",
>              for x:range[1] thru range[2] step
>                           (range[2]-range[1])/number_ticks
>                 do (print(x,at(f,var=x)))),
>            system("echo \"set data style lines; set title '",
>                   f,"' ;plot '/tmp/gnu'
>           ;pause 10 \" | gnuplot"));
>           (%i8) with_stdout("/home/wfs/joe",
>                 n:10,
>                 for i:8 thru n
>                   do(print("factorial(",i,") gives ",i!)));
>           (%o8)                                      FALSE
>           (%i9) system("cat /home/wfs/joe");
>           factorial( 8 ) gives  40320
>           factorial( 9 ) gives  362880
>           factorial( 10 ) gives  3628800
>           (%o9)                                        0
> (%o3)                                FALSE
> I usually put this line first in my .mac-files:
> eval_when(batch,ttyoff : true)$
> And this last:
> eval_when(batch,ttyoff : false)$
> In the contrib/unit/unit.mac it is done this way:
> Try and see what fits you best.
> Best regards,
>                         Goran
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