code cleanups


I did a few code cleanups over the last weeks and want to sahre it.
This time it wasn't so much about eliminating error and warning
messages, but about reducing the 'cognitive load' when reading code.

I think the array handling in maxima is a mess (probably because of
historical baggage from maclisp) and I wanted to clean that up.
The code now compiles fine and passes all tests but maybe there are
still a few bugs lurking.

Ok so what did I do:

- removed empty uses of *rearray
- changed *rearray to adjust-array in combin.lisp and made the respective
  arrays adjustable
- changed arraycall into use of aref
- removed conditionalization for old lisps and machines (pdp10 multics etc.)
- in bessel.lisp: removed definition of unused macros *f //f +f -f and declared
  ignored variables ierr, dcyi, dcyr
- replaced store by setf
- replaced array macro and *array function with appropriate calls to
  make-array and symbol-array
- array-dimensions-n was used with wrong argument order in spgcd.lisp
- eliminated unused macros / macros that expand into empty code from
- removed narray macro and indirection through symbol-value in
  bessel.lisp; also removed $iarray and $jarray
- removed copy-rest-arg since it is just the identity
- replaced listn by make-list in transq.lisp
- fixed an error in calling maxima-error in mtrace.lisp

Apart from that it is just a few cosmetic changes to the code. 

I am appending a tarfile of the changed files (a diff wouldn't be much
smaller I guess).


Attached file: cleanup.tgz