Hi Jorge,
Thank you for emailing to me your translations of Affine.texi
and Arrays.texi. Looks good! Clearly you have already done a
lot of work. Keep up the good work.
Here is my advice about how to proceed.
(1) First translate the body of the text, before translating
@node, @menu, @chapter, and @section tags. Changing these
tags makes a lot of work to resolve the references.
(2) Work on the items which new users want to see.
Here is my estimate of the most important files:
Command.texi, Plotting.texi, Input.texi, Integration.texi,
Equations.texi, Matrices.texi, Lists.texi, Function.texi,
I'm really impressed by your work so far. Tell us about the
progress of your project, and keep up the good work.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier
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