I haven't tried it, but presumably (sqcont 2) returns a list
beginninng (1 ....) . Maxima doesn't know how to simplify or
display such a list, and that is where the error comes from.
You might write
(defun $sqcont (n) (cons '((mlist)) (sqcont n)))
and see if that does the job. (if sqcont returns a list of numbers, it should)
(Allan Adler wrote:
> Maxima itself is pretty well documented. If one wants to read source
> code of particular Maxima functions, one finds stuff from the underlying
> common lisp as well as functions defined on top of the underlying lisp.
> It would be nice if there were documentation for the latter lisp functions
> as well other than the source code itself.
> For example, in following up on Wolfgang Jenkner's helpful suggestions
> regarding algebraic number theory in Maxima, I was led to the files
> numth.lisp and combin.lisp. In the latter, in a neighborhood of the
> function qunit, which is apparently made available to Maxima by the
> command DEFMFUN, the following functions are defined (or should I say
> defun'd?):
> (defun cfsqrt (n)
> (DEFMFUN $qunit (n)
> (defun pelso1 (l a b)
> (defun sqcont (n)
> (defun ratcf (x y)
> (DEFMFUN $cfexpand (x)
> (defun cfexpand (ll)
> If I want to experiment with variations of the code, it would be nice to
> know more about what they do. Apart from reading their definitions, one
> possibility is to call these functions from Maxima and experiment with them.
> According to an older posting of Boris Gaertner, and some examples he kindly
> sent me, one can call them by prepending a question mark to the lisp functions
> one wants to call. When I do this with sqcont, for example, the following
> happens:
> Maxima 5.9.0 http://maxima.sourceforge.net [...]
> (C1) ?sqcont(2);
> *** - GET: 1 is not a symbol
> The following restarts are available:
> R1 = Macsyma top-level
> 1. Break [1]> r1
> Maxima restarted.
> (C2) ?sqcont(sqrt(2));
> *** - argument to * should be a number: (($ISQRT) ((MEXPT SIMP) 2 ((RAT SIMP) 1 2)))
> The following restarts are available:
> R1 = Macsyma top-level
> 1. Break [2]> r1
> Maxima restarted.
> (C3) ?describe(?sqcont);
> SQCONT is the symbol SQCONT, lies in #, is accessible in the
> package MAXIMA, names a function.
> # is the package named MAXIMA. It has the nicknames MACSYMA,
> It imports the external symbols of the packages SLOOP, COMMON-LISP, EXT and
> exports no symbols, but no package uses these exports.
> # is a compiled function.
> Argument list: (ARG0).
> For more information, evaluate (DISASSEMBLE #'SQCONT).
> (D3) FALSE
> (C4) ?lispeval(disassemble #'sqcont);
> (D4) LISPEVAL(disassemble # sqcont)
> (C5) ?disassemble(?sqcont);
> Disassembly of function SQCONT
> (CONST 0) = N
> (CONST 1) = Q
> (CONST 2) = M
> (CONST 3) = A
> (CONST 4) = L
> (CONST 5) = $ISQRT
> (CONST 6) = 1
> (CONST 7) = *DIF
> (CONST 8) = 2
> (CONST 9) = *QUO
> 1 required arguments
> 0 optional arguments
> No rest parameter
> No keyword parameters
> 0 (LOAD 1)
> 1 (BIND 0) ; N
> 3 (NIL)
> 4 (BIND 1) ; Q
> 6 (PUSH-NIL 2)
> 8 (NIL)
> [rest of disassembly deleted]
> I can see that I can have hours of fun with this, particularly since I don't
> have much experience with CLISP, but it would be nice to be more deliberate
> about it.
> Incidentally, this disassembled code looks interesting. Where is this
> "lisp assembly language" documented? I tried to grep the info files that
> come with CLISP and found essentially nothing with the string assembl.