I don't see documentation for ratsolve , but
ratsolve apparently does not take an equation as first argument.
ratsolve(a=1,a) gives a=0.
ratsolve(a-1,a) gives a=1.
C Y wrote:
> I don't know if this is a bug, local quirk, or what, but ratsolve seems
> to be giving me a wrong answer here:
> Maxima http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> Using Lisp SBCL 0.8.20
> (%i1) ratsolve(d=sqrt(h^2/a^2+k^2/b^2+l^2/c^2)^-1,a);
> b c h
> (%o1) [a = - ---------, a = 0]
> b l + c k
> This is obviously nonsense because the solution doesn't even contain d.
> Did I flub it up somehow? Can anyone reproduce this? Is it expected?
> CY
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