Non-variable 2nd argument to DIFF:

> Can I call func so that it performs the analytic differentiation
> and then substitute for values of x?

Here's one way of doing this:

(%i1) f(x):=diff(x^3,x);
(%o1)                         f(x) := diff(x , x)
(%i2) f(2);

Non-variable 2nd argument to diff:
#0: f(x=2)
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
(%i3) f(x):=([tmp:diff(u^3,u)],ev(tmp,u=x));
(%o3)            f(x) := ([tmp : diff(u , u)], ev(tmp, u = x))
(%i4) f(2);
(%o4)                                 12

And here's another way:

(%i5) funmake(":=",[f(x),diff(x^3,x)]),eval;
(%o5)                            f(x) := 3 x
(%i6) f(2);
(%o6)                                 12

Both methods (and there are other ways) ensure that the diff() part gets
evaluated before any values are substituted; in the second example, the
evaluation takes place once, when the function is defined, whereas in the
first case the diff() part is evaluated every time the function is called,
using a dummy variable (u).
