base 60 arithmetic / tellsimpafter example

Hello all,

As a worked example of user-defined simplification rules, 
I have put together a script to define operations for base 60
arithmetic. I've posted it at the Maxima wiki:

This is intended as a tellsimpafter tutorial example, 
although it might be useful in some contexts, and perhaps
it could be expanded into something more generally useful.

  [59,59]`[59,59] + 1/3600;  =>  [1, 0, 0] ` [0]

  [3]`[17, 42]^2;            =>  [10] ` [51, 25, 17, 24]

  1/[28, 48]`[0];            =>  [0] ` [0, 2, 5]

  [23, 42]`[17] - [45]`[21]  =>  [22, 56] ` [56]

The game here is to get Maxima to identify base 60 objects
and automatically apply some functions.
This can be useful with other kinds of objects.

For what it's worth, the notation is not the same as
conventional base 60 notation, but 1; 17, 42 (e.g.) would
be ambiguous in Maxima. The []`[] was the least annoying
substitute I could think of.

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier

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