Accuracy and error analysis (was Re: [Maxima] primes)

[C Y , Thu, 12 May 2005 08:56:30 -0700 (PDT)]:
> There are other fun issues to think about, such as fundamental limits
> of nature on accuracy of physical quantities (Heisenberg Uncertainty). 
> It would be fun to teach Maxima about those things, but I have no idea
> if it could handle them or not.

Oh no, please don't!  That is NOT what Heisenberg is about.

BTW, I have always found Mathematica's significance arithmetic
annoying at best, certainly not useful.  It gives the inexperienced
user an illusion of security that is really not there.  In my courses
I always had fun ``proving'' by a convergent process that the square
root of 4.0000000000000 was 0..  If you really want something like
that, I think you should read about Mma's $MinPrecision etc. and ask
yourself whether that is a price worth paying.
