faster linear algebra

There is a large literature on how to compute
determinants of symbolic matrices. I hope you
have checked some of it for inspiration.  The
numerical methods are not very good unless the
matrices are mostly numeric and dense.

What Maxima/lisp system are you using? The error
message you report suggests some program is compiled
incorrectly.  Why would newdet assume that anything
was a fixnum (which is what the error message, in its
clumsy way, is trying to say, I think)?


Fabrizio Caruso wrote:

> Hi again,
> I just tried "newdet" and it seems it cannot handle
> big numbers:
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>     275693057640 is not of type (OR (MOD 536870911) CONS NULL)
> Automatically continuing.
> To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> I will submit my version of "Determinant" and of "Triangularize" 
> together with the real algebraic geometry package.
> I hope they and the whole package 
> will be included in (some) next release of Maxima.
>    Fabrizio