
   From: Richard Fateman 
   If (LAMBDA (PERMU) ....
   occurs in the source code, it should more properly be written as
   #'(lambda(permu)(cons '(mlist) permu))
   note the #'  at the beginning.  Some lisps allow the #' to be
   omitted. Some do not.

This is incorrect with regard to ANSI CL.  lambda is a standard macro
that expands to (function (lambda ...)) which is equivalent reader
notation for #'(lambda ...).  Its inclusion in CL is not optional.  It
is also blitheringly trivial to implement, so there is no validity for
any CL implementation to omit it on the grounds that it is too hard:

  (defmacro lambda (lambda-list &body body)
    `(function (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body)))

or equivalently:

  (defmacro lambda (lambda-list &body body)
    `#'(lambda ,lambda-list ,@body)))

Whether or not a coder prefers to mark his anonymous functions with
the explicit #' is more a question of personal style than correctness.
Some programmers prefer visually to emphasize their internal anonymous
functions with the jagged orthography of octothorp quote.  Others
eschew extra typing.