Problem with $EV and $SOLVERADCAN [ECL port]

"Goffioul Michael"  writes:

[ev(foo, solveradcan) nounifies NIL]
> However, now if $SOLVERADCAN is T internally, FL will also be T and
> you'll try to nounify T, hence changing its property list.
> My question is more: is it normal that maxima tries to change the plist
> of symbols in the COMMON-LISP package? is this the expected behavior?

Perhaps, the point is that it doesn't make too much sense for Maxima
to $nounify symbols for which BADFUNCHK would complain anyway, viz. T,
NIL, $%E, $%PI and $%I.

(c1) 'false();
(d1)                                 nil()
(c2) %,nouns;
Improper name or value in functional position:

> Moreover, with the current code, I don't think that an expression like:
> ev(solve(5^f(x)=125), solveradcan) has any effect on the internal value
> of the $SOLVERADCAN variable.

Indeed, it has no EVFLAG property, so we should use solveradcan:true here.
