Hello Lorenzo,
> I have just started using Maxima and I have not found
> out exactly how to read a list of files (each of them
> simply contains numbers) and save them into an array.
OK, bear in mind that Maxima makes a distinction between
arrays and matrices. Arrays are not very well integrated
into Maxima; I'm pretty sure you want to work with matrices
and lists. I'll assume that in the following.
> Say that the files are named file1,file2...fileN and
> each of them has M entries. I need to read them to
> form an MxMNarray.
To read one file into a matrix, you can use the read_matrix
function in the numericalio package. You want to get numericalio.lisp:
It has been updated recently, please get the CVS version
(don't use the version bundled with Maxima 5.9.1).
Read one file --
load ("numericalio.lisp");
M1: read_matrix ("file1");
Read all files and construct a big matrix from them --
N: 10; /* whatever -- it must be a known value */
L: makelist (read_matrix (concat ("file", i)), i, 1, N);
/* Now L[1], ..., L[N] are the matrices from file1, ..., fileN */
M: apply (addcol, L); /* paste together side by side */
M: apply (addrow, L); /* paste together one on top of another */
This last bit -- apply (addcol, L) -- will fail in GCL Maxima
if N is bigger than 64 (too many arguments in function call). Rats!
> Then; is Maxima smart enough to read numbers saved
> with the scientific notation, i.e. containing some
> power of 10 in their expression? (3E-3,-4E+2, etc).
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: the current revision of numericalio calls
scan-one-token-g to get the next item from the file.
So that establishes the capability of numericalio.
scan-one-token-g recognizes integers, floating point
in xxx.yyy and xxx.yyyEzzz (also e, and D and d),
symbols (case sensitive), and "quoted strings".
numericalio allows comma , and pipe symbol | as separators
(in addition to allowing whitespace separated data),
e.g., read_matrix ("file1", 'csv) (for comma separated)
and read_matrix ("file1", 'pipe) (for pipe separated).
Hope this helps. Let me know if numericalio is not
working for you, I'll certainly try to help.
Robert Dodier
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