Thanks a lot! That was a quick answer.
I assume that minf and inf stand for minus infinity and infinity. That's
what I was doing wrong, since I assumed that an undefinite integral would
be trated the same way as one with infinite limits.
Maxima with TeXmacs produces a really nice output. Besides, I can
integrate it smoothly into my papers. I'm very happy with it.
Now, regarding the image issues, I have browsed the net in search for the
embedded-graphics problem, and from reference documentation it seems that
Maxima always otuputs images in separate windows? However, I'd swear that
I saw XMaxima running under an Ubuntu, where the graphics were embedder.
And under Fedora, too.
¿Is there some switch to turn on and off embedding? ¿Is it an issue of
latest Maxima versions? ¿Or should perhaps I be asking this question in
the TeXmacs list (but the problem also happens with XMaxima)?
Again, thanks.
# Denís Fernández Cabrera #
# Correo, Jabber: #
# Güeb: <>; #
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Viktor T. Toth disse:
> Maxima can compute the definite integral just fine:
> (%i1) integrate(exp(-((k-10)^2/4))*cos(k*x),k,minf,inf);
> Is x zero or nonzero?
> nonzero;
> 2
> - x
> (%o1) 2 sqrt(%pi) %e cos(10 x)
> If you don't want Maxima to ask the (in the end, really unnecessary)
> question about x being zero or nonzero, you can do an
> assume(not(equal(x,0)));
> before the integration.
> As to the plot, it can be done using
> plot2d(%,[x,-10,10]);
> Integration of your input, Maxima's results, formatted text, and the plot
> is
> not as nice as in Maple, but that's where tools like wxMaxima or Texmacs
> can
> be of use.
> Viktor
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:maxima-admin at math]
> On
> Behalf Of Den ís Fernández Cabrera
> Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: Moving from Maple to Maxima
> Hello,
> I am a physics student, and a dedicated advocate of Free Software. I've
> used Maple before I learnt that Maxima existed, and now I have switched
> on. Trouble is, that I don't seem to be able to do certain things with
> Maxima that I could (easily) with Maple. I know the options must be there,
> but I just don't know how to trigger them.
> 1) Specifically, I'd like to reproduce this small demonstration of a wave
> packet:
> ta.pdf
> ta.mws
> These are PDF and MWS (¿Maple WorkSheet?) files outputted from Maple time
> ago. I'd like to know how can I reproduce the same calculations and
> graphics with Maxima. The file text is in galizan, but it is accessory:
> mathematics are international :o)
> 2) I have also noticed that when I run Gnuplot through TeXmacs, it outputs
> its graphics embedded in the editor, but when I trace graphics with Maxima
> -- which, I understand, uses Gnuplot -- they appear in a separate window.
> It also happens when I use the xMaxima interface, so it is not a TeXmacs
> problem, I believe. ¿Any suggestions on how to fix this?
> I'm using Maxima 5.9.1 with TeXmacs 1.0.5 on Debian Sid, for the record.
> Thanks in advance,
> Denís.
> #######################################
> # Denís Fernández Cabrera #
> # Correo, Jabber: #
> # Güeb: <>; #
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