--- Denís Fernández Cabrera wrote:
> Viktor T. Toth disse:
> > Xmaxima can produce embedded images when using the openmath plot
> > interface.
> Thanks once more. I've been trying it and it seems way more
> interactive than Gnuplot -- which I happen to like a lot, but
> Openmath seems more appropiate for dynamic graphs. I like especially
> the option to save the picture.
Openplot in Xmaxima is the only embedded plotting I am aware of
currently for any Maxima front end, but in the end you might find it
less than satisfying. It's resizing is haphazard, scrolling (last time
I used it at least) is not smooth, and you don't have any of the
advanced gnuplot specific options Maxima is capable of. Also, you
cannot output a pdf with the graph embedded - you will have to put
together a separate document.
[Note to myself and Jay - would it be possible to have emaxima mode
automatically insert an appropriate link to a gnuplot output file?
This wouldn't be (quite) embedded graphics but it would result in a
situation where latexing the emaxima doc would have the correct graph
included in the output automatically.]
> I have yet not found a way to produce embedded graphics in TeXmacs.
> If I do, I'll post it for the records.
I am intrigued by your description of gnuplot mode in TeXmacs - is
TeXmacs+gnuplot indeed both embedded and interactive? If this is the
case, it would be much more ideal for TeXmacs to redefine the gnuplot
commands in Maxima to redirect the handling of it to a separate,
perhaps specialized embedded gnuplot session - this would result in an
environment much closer to Maple for graphics. I wasn't aware TeXmacs
gnuplot mode could do this though - if it can I would very much like to
look into this! If we can hook Maxima into that routine... drool.
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