>>>>> "Vijayendra" == Vijayendra Munikoti writes:
Vijayendra> 1. (*) text/plain ( ) text/html
Vijayendra> Hallo
Vijayendra> I have sequence of terms (sums) such as:
Vijayendra> lst: a*EXP(-b*r)*F(c*r)/r^n
Vijayendra> where n varies from 1..7, F can be SIN or COS. I wish to extract
Vijayendra> coefficients of r, r^2 .... r^7 and
Vijayendra> subsequently, delete these terms from the original lst.
Vijayendra> Example:
Vijayendra> CO1 : COEFF(lst, r,-1)$
Vijayendra> Now how to eliminate the terms CO1 from the lst?
Vijayendra> DELETE(CO1, lst) does not work as the function DELETE should be applied
Vijayendra> to
Vijayendra> every term of the list individually.
There are probably better ways, but how about just something simple
lst: lst - CO1/r.