--- Raymond Toy wrote:
> I'm not in favor of this. Maxima has enough stuff as it is and more
> stuff means more maintenance. Maybe a wiki page telling people how
> to do this would be good enough.
That's my thinking too, generally speaking. My thought was to define a
directory (or maybe use lisp-utils) where a variety of lisp files could
be stored that do various things like loading swank, and the users
could then tweak those files for their local machine and add a line
like #+cmucl (load
"/usr/share/maxima/lisp-utils/swank-load-cmucl.lisp") to their
maxima-init.lisp. That way, we can document the messy details on the
maxima side, but not actually need to include swank - just have
swank-load-cmucl point to the "normal" install directory, and flag that
as the variable for the user to change to fit their local installation.
I've already got a file in there that contains useful stuff for
generating albert documentation of the lisp code (need to teach it how
to break up one large html page into smaller ones though!) so this
would be a logical way to proceed.
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