Moving from Maple to Maxima

Hi all,

C Y wrote:


>>I have yet not found a way to produce embedded graphics in TeXmacs.
>>If I do, I'll post it for the records.
>I am intrigued by your description of gnuplot mode in TeXmacs - is
>TeXmacs+gnuplot indeed both embedded and interactive?
Yep it is. TeXmacs produce embedded postcript images from an interactive 
gnuplot session.

>  If this is the
>case, it would be much more ideal for TeXmacs to redefine the gnuplot
>commands in Maxima to redirect the handling of it to a separate,
>perhaps specialized embedded gnuplot session - this would result in an
>environment much closer to Maple for graphics.  I wasn't aware TeXmacs
>gnuplot mode could do this though - if it can I would very much like to
>look into this!  If we can hook Maxima into that routine... drool.
I have not used TeXmacs + Maxima from a long time ago, but a similar 
case is used from octave sesions wich uses gnuplot to graph inside 
TeXmacs sessions.

