Re: function redefinition, was: redefining macro as a function?
Subject: Re: function redefinition, was: redefining macro as a function?
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 16:39:36 -0700 (PDT)
--- C Y wrote:
> --- Robert Dodier wrote:
> > In some sense all functions are subject to redefinition
> > at any time, since there nothing to stop a programmer
> > from doing (setq save-meval (symbol-function meval))
> > (defun meval (x) (cond (...) (t (funcall save-meval x))))
> > whenever they feel like it.
> a) Would the above mechanism work for redefining the behavior of
> defmfun statements as well as defun?
As far as I know, it should work the same for defmfun's
as well as defun's.
About defmfun, if I'm not mistaken it doesn't do anything
significant and its presence is more a convention than a
requirement. User-level Maxima functions can be defined
equally well by defun or defmfun.
> b) Since toplevel-macsyma-eval is currently a macro, my
> guess would be that there isn't an available equalivent to
> the above which would work.
There might be a variation of the above snippet
that works for macros but I don't know for sure.
> Could we at least replace the defmacro with an equalivent
> defun for defining toplevel-macsyma-eval?
I don't see any problems there.
For what it's worth,
Robert Dodier
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