AW: [Maxima] FORTRAN format

>>>>> "Vijayendra" == Vijayendra Munikoti  writes:

    Vijayendra> Thanks once again. I just want to do this:
    Vijayendra> once I convert expression in say, f90 format,
    Vijayendra> f90(exp). This prints out the expression in f90 format on the screen.
    Vijayendra> I would like to actually write the output from f90(exp) in a file.
    Vijayendra> The following won't work:
    Vijayendra> $ exp1:f90(exp);
    Vijayendra> $ stringout("filename",exp1)
    Vijayendra> $ exp1
    Vijayendra> $ DONE

    Vijayendra> because I cannot assign the output from f90(exp) to any variable.
    Vijayendra> The question is how I can achieve this. 

Good question.  I don't know how.  

It might be possible to make fortran (and f90) return the string
instead of "done".
