Re: Newbie help!

On 6/25/05, Harry Kanda  wrote:

> I hope this is an easy question to answer.. basically i want to save a
> file with a series of functions on..
> Secondly i'd like to get all the output from this file
> i.e.. i'd type something like load(url)
> and get the complete output for this file...
> secondly.. if this is possible.. surpress some of the output.. so that
> only one type of function and their results are shown in my xMaxima
> terminal!

OK, from the PS of your message it looks like you already have a
file which contains the expressions to be evaluated.

You can evaluate the expressions by  batch ("my_file.mac");
or  load ("my_file.mac");

batch will print all the input, and output from lines terminated by
semicolon (output from lines terminated by dollar sign are hidden).
load will hide all the input and output, except for stuff printed 
explicitly by print (foo); or some other mechanism.
Probably batch is what you want here.

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier