Re: spanish/portuguese translations and texinfo tools
Subject: Re: spanish/portuguese translations and texinfo tools
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 22:07:00 -0600
To follow up on my previous message, I find the following 1-liner
is enough to help cl-info understand stuff like Função and Variável
in the info file --
--- cl-info.lisp 10 Jun 2005 12:04:25 -0000 1.22
+++ cl-info.lisp 13 Jul 2005 03:59:56 -0000
@@ -545,7 +545,8 @@
(when (or (>= (setq subnode
- #u"\n -+ [A-Za-z ]+: "
+ ;; !!! #u"\n -+ [A-Za-z ]+: "
+ #u"\n -+ [A-Za-zçãéõóíá ]+: "
#u"[ \n]"
Maybe there is a better regular expression, but in any event this
patch seems to show the regex is the important thing for helping
cl-info search through a file with diacritical marks in it.
I find ? save, ? values, ? load all work just as expected after
applying the patch above and the one in the previous email.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. Hurray!
Robert Dodier