The codemap grows (a little)
- Subject: The codemap grows (a little)
- From: C Y
- Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 08:16:50 -0700 (PDT)
I added the display component to my chart. It still doesn't have
things like exit paths or debugging environments, since that requires
more understanding of the code than I can claim yet. Still, it is
better than nothing. Pretty soon I'll start breaking it up into
smaller, more readable ones.
(cvs is giving me a cold sholder right now, so I'll stick the dot
formatting here)
digraph MaximaTopLevel {
startup [label="user::run"];
toplevel [label="macsyma-top-level"];
replmain [label="continue\n1. dbm-read parses the input\n2. the eval
path begins mathematical work."];
dbmread [label="dbm-read"];
firstevalcall [label="toplevel-macsyma-eval\nUsed in code via $% as
set in\n (setq $% (toplevel-macsyma-eval $__))"];
display [label="displa\nUses linear-displa if display2d is false"];
startup -> toplevel;
toplevel -> replmain;
replmain -> dbmread [color=red, fontcolor=red, fontsize=10,
label="Parse input"];
dbmread -> replmain [color=blue, fontcolor=blue,
fontsize=10,label="Return parsed input"];
dbmread -> mread;
mreadraw [label="mread-raw"];
peekonetokeng [label="peek-one-token-g"];
scanonetokeng [label="scan-one-token-g"];
readcommandtoken [label="read-command-token"];
gobblewhitespace [label="gobble-whitespace"];
parsetyipeek [label="parse-tyipeek"];
readcommandtokenaux [label="read-command-token-aux"];
mread -> mreadraw;
mreadraw -> peekonetokeng;
peekonetokeng -> scanonetokeng;
scanonetokeng -> readcommandtoken;
readcommandtoken -> gobblewhitespace;
gobblewhitespace -> parsetyipeek;
gobblewhitespace -> readcommandtokenaux;
replmain -> firstevalcall [color=red, fontcolor=red, fontsize=10,
label="Do eval"];
firstevalcall->replmain [color=blue, fontcolor=blue, fontsize=10,
mevalmacro [label="meval*"];
firstevalcall -> mevalmacro;
mevalmacro -> meval;
meval -> simplifya;
simplifya -> meval1;
replmain -> display [color=red, fontcolor=red, fontsize=10,
label="Send to display"];
display -> replmain [color=blue, fontcolor=blue,
fontsize=10,label="Return after display"];
display -> checkrat;
display -> dimension;
dimensionatom [label="dimension-atom"];
dimensionparen [label="dimension-paren"];
dimensionarray [label="dimension-array"];
dimensionfunction [label="dimension-function"];
dimension -> dimensionatom;
dimension -> dimensionparen;
dimension -> dimensionarray;
dimension -> dimensionfunction;
dimensionfunction -> dimension;
display -> checkbreak;
dimension -> checkbreak;
display -> output;
lineardisplay [label="linear-displa"];
display -> lineardisplay;
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