Fwd: Using Maxima on OSX?

Thanks, everybody. I'll take a look and see what I can get working.

On 7/26/05, Gregory Wright  wrote:
> Hi James,
> If you use the darwinports infrastructure on OS X
> (http://darwinports.opendarwin.org), maxima builds
> using openmcl. It used to use clisp, and may again in the
> future, now that clisp's OS X bugs seem to be fixed.
> After you've installed the darwinports infrastructure,
> installation is done by
> sudo port install maxima
> Darwinports automatically downloads, builds and installs the
> dependencies for you.
> Best Wishes,
> Greg
> On Jul 26, 2005, at 3:31 PM, James Hart wrote:
> > Hello. My name is James Hart. I have been developing a fairly
> > generic, simple interface for basic graphical algebra manipulation,
> > which I call MathDrag'n. I have posted about this previously on
> > sci.math.symbolic. The thread can be found at
> >
> > http://groups-beta.google.com/group/sci.math.symbolic/browse_thread/
> > thread/a457791bff4e94a5/17e9141820dcc77a?
> > q=3Dauthor:jamesahart79@gmail.com
> >
> > The MathDrag'n homepage is at http://mathdragn.squarespace.com
> >
> > MathDrag'n is designed to use a loosely-coupled back-end CAS for more
> > complicated calculations that my simple engine shouldn't have to
> > handle. Right now, it can use Mathematica 4.2-5.2 on Windows and OSX
> > (maybe Linux; I haven't tested it yet, so probably not), and
> > Maxima-5.9.1 on Windows.
> >
> > My basic question is: what do I have to do to get a console version
> > of Maxima onto OSX? My basic goal with this request is simplicity: I
> > don't want to have four down-loads and three build sessions before the
> > user can do anything. MathDrag'n aims for simplicity and ease of use;
> > that's why I have done everything I can to distribute it as an
> > executable jar (a Windows .exe would be better, but it's too late for
> > that). Is there anything available out there that would be fairly
> > simple to down-load and/or include, which will run on OSX?
> >
> > Thank you
> >