Defsystem 3.5i?

>>>>> "CY" == C Y  writes:

    CY> --- Raymond Toy  wrote:

    CY> Hmm. GCL's fault or defsystem's?

Don't remember.  I just remember maxima has some stuff for gcl that's
not in the version in the official version.
    >> How do I know?  I tried that once before and broke gcl builds a few
    >> months ago. :-(

    CY> Ah :-).

    >> I suppose some could try to get maxima's gcl changes back in, but
    >> since I don't use gcl, I didn't want to try that.

    CY> I guess I could give it a shot.  I don't really have a good reason, but
    CY> since I do have a bad one... (I compiled McCLIM into my default CMUCL
    CY> image and that sucked in defsystem - hence using the defsystem in
    CY> Maxima clashes with it.) 

In that case, I've just loaded up maxima.system, and run mk:oos.  No
need to suck in defsystem again.  Or even if you do, it's probably
compatible enough with the version you already had.
