Announcement of new imaxima.el maintainer

Dear imaxima.el users on the maxima mailing list,

I would like to let you know that Jesper Harder san and I
agree to transfer the maintainer responsibility of imaxima
from Jesper san to me. This is due to the fact that Jesper san
becomes very busy and has no time to maintain the imaxima.el.
I am interested in imaxima.el and use it regularly, so I felt it
possible for me to maintain the software by myself.

The new web site is:
where the latest imaxima-0.91.tar.gz is released.

The new version 0.91 fixes issues when combined with
the latest Maxima CVS and forthcoming Maxima 5.9.2,
for their case sensitivity changes. Also, this version
provides slightly better support for XEmacs on Cygwin
users. Read the README carefully.

The new maintainer is Yasuaki Honda, living in Chiba,
Japan. You can reach me by email to

Yasuaki Honda
Chiba, Japan