Is there an archive of contributor's packages ?

Essentially, it seems that most such work was either published with
scientific papers (if at all), incorporated into Macsyma, or has been
abandoned for Mathematica and Maple versions of programs.

Robert is correct, by far the best such archive is Maxima's own share
directory.  Early on in the Maxima project I issued a call for Macsyma
code - Dr. Rand very generously donated his files to the project, and
one or two other responses came through, but my general conclusion was
that there is just very little out there for Macsyma any more.

The share/contrib directory contains most of the Maxima/Macsyma code I
have come across that is not already integrated into Maxima, as well as
new and in-progress work by some of the developers here.  I recently
updated the summary of the contents of this file, so perhaps it is a
good place to start:

Despite the "unsupported" status of the contrib packages many are in
fact as high or higher quality than most of the other share contents,
since fixing up the share directory contents has been (and for a while
must remain) low on our priority list.


--- Robert Dodier  wrote:

> hello thomas,
> > I would like to know if there is an archive with many *.mac
> packages
> > with short descriptions of them. Until now I only could find some
> > of them separately, but I would like to find a more conveninent way
> to
> > browse such files. Have you heard of something of that kind ?
> many packages are included with maxima:
> see the maxima/share/ directory in the distribution.
> maxima/share/share.usg and maxima/share/contrib/README
> have some descriptions.
> you can browse the most recent revisions of the share packages:
> there are some other packages (not included in the distribution)
> listed here:
> i'm not aware of any other such collections.
> hth,
> robert dodier
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