Re: How do I make a log-log plot?

Hi Ray,

about a log plotting option ---

> If someone wants to design the interface, I can help implement it.

Well, how about this. 

(1) logx and logy are boolean plot_options which indicate
logarithmic transform of the x and y axes respectively.

(2) redefine function to plot as f(exp(x)), log(f(x)), or log(f(exp(x)))
(hope I got that right)

(3a) if plot type supports logarithmic transform:
(at present I believe this is only gnuplot and mgnuplot)
emit plot package option to turn on log transform

(3b) otherwise: somehow indicate the axes have been transformed
maybe change axis label? seems problematic.
maybe print a message on the console? not sure.

I'm sure this isn't the end of the story but I hope this is enough
to get us pointed in the right direction.

Thanks for your help,
Robert Dodier