Subject: modifications to quoted strings in Maxima source
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 22:01:57 -0600
I have modified some quoted strings in the Maxima source,
substituting Maxima for Macsyma, macsyma, and MACSYMA.
I made no other changes.
I made a catalog of occurences of Macsyma, etc., in quoted strings,
which I have attached to this message as a postscript.
I only changed the strings which might be viewed by someone.
The modified strings are marked by + below.
Note that there are a number of other strings which are not modified.
For what it's worth,
Robert Dodier
------------------------ other ------------------------
+init-cl.lisp: (with-simple-restart (macsyma-quit "Macsyma top-level")
+mlisp.lisp: (princ "Warning - you are redefining the Macsyma ")
------------------------ mtell ------------------------
+mlisp.lisp: (mtell "Warning - you are redefining
+trmode.lisp: "Warning: ~M is not a built-in type; assuming
it is a macsyma extend type" x))))))
----- error, merror, macsyma-error, mread-synerr ------
+compar.lisp: (merror "`macsyma' was unable to evaluate the
predicate:~%~M" pat))
+compar.lisp: (merror "`assume': Macsyma is unable to
handle assertions involving `or'."))
+compar.lisp: (merror "Macsyma is unable to handle
assertions involving `or'."))
+compar.lisp: (merror "ASSUME: = means syntactic equality
in Macsyma.
+compar.lisp: (merror "ASSUME: # means syntactic
unequality in Macsyma.
+maxmac.lisp: (error "Missing Macsyma macro file -- ~A" x)))
+mlisp.lisp: array, macsyma
list, or a matrix"
+mlisp.lisp: (error "The value of ~A is
not a hash-table , an array,a macsyma list, or a matrix" (caar l))))
+mlisp.lisp: (merror "Attempt to call ~A ~A from
MACSYMA level.~
+nparse.lisp: "Parser bug in ~A. Please report this to the Macsyma
+suprv1.lisp: (merror "`tobreak' may be used only within a
Macsyma break.")))
+trpred.lisp: (merror "`assume': Macsyma is unable to handle
assertions involving 'or'."))
+trpred.lisp: (merror "ASSUME: = means syntactic equality in Macsyma. ~
+trpred.lisp: (merror "ASSUME: # means syntactic unequality in Macsyma. ~
+mtrace.lisp: (merror "Macsyma bug: Trace property for ~:@M went
away without hook."
------------------- format, mformat -------------------
+macsys.lisp: (format t "~%Entering a Macsyma break point. Type
exit; to resume")
+transs.lisp: ";;; Translated Macsyma functions generated by
+transs.lisp: "~%;;; Written on ~:M, from MACSYMA ~A~
+transs.lisp: ";;; General declarations required for
translated Macsyma code.~%"))
--------------------- doc strings ---------------------
+limit.lisp: "The types of infinities recognized by Macsyma.
+limit.lisp: "The infinitesimals recognized by Macsyma. ZEROA zero from above,
+mmacro.lisp: "Governs the expansion of Macsyma Macros. The
following settings are
+merror.lisp: "Signals a Macsyma user error."
+nparse.lisp:(defvar *parse-stream* () "input
stream for Macsyma parser")
+nparse.lisp:(defvar macsyma-operators () "Macsyma operators structure")
+transl.lisp:(defmvar assigns nil "These are very-special variables
which have a macsyma
+trmode.lisp:warning given about not-built-in modes being taken for
------------ NO CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE ---------------
------------------- package names --------------------
maxima-package.lisp: (:nicknames "CL-MACSYMA" "CL-MAXIMA" "MACSYMA")
---- obsolete (unsupported compiler, never called, or never referenced) ----
dskfn.lisp: #+multics "macsyma.saved.output"))
inmis.lisp: #+lispm "MACSYMA-OBJECT:ALJABR;INIT"
maxmac.lisp: (t (maxima-error "Cannot `maxima-find' the
Macsyma manual")))))
maxmac.lisp: (t (maxima-error "Cannot `maxima-find' the
Macsyma manual index")))))
maxmac.lisp: "macsyma.manual"))))
maxmac.lisp: "macsyma.index.lisp"))))
mload.lisp: (format st "/* -*- Mode: MACSYMA; Package: MACSYMA -*- */")
suprv1.lisp: mquitmsg " (Into Lisp. Type control-G to get to
transq.lisp: "~&(Comment *Macsyma* unhandled
`fexpr' ~S may barf)~%"
transq.lisp: (m1 "*MACSYMA* ")
transl.lisp: "Unable to assert modes of subexpressions, a call to
the macsyma data *print-base* has been generated.")
transl.lisp: "`translate' doesn't know predicate properties for
this, a call to the macsyma data *print-base* has been generated."))))
-------------------- commented out --------------------
maxmac.lisp:;;(DEFPROP DEFMSPEC "Macsyma special form" SI:DEFINITION-TYPE-NAME)
maxmac.lisp:;;; on "standard" Macsyma directories easy, and clean. As
an example, the
merror.lisp: ;(if errcatch (error
"macsyma error"))
mlisp.lisp:;; (MERROR "Attempt to call ~A ~A from
MACSYMA level.~
mload.lisp:;; (DO ((F "" (MERGEF (MACSYMA-NAMESTRING-SUB (ARG J)) F))
mload.lisp:;; ("MC" . $MACSYMA) ;In case the pathname code
doesn't know this inversion
mload.lisp:;; ("MACSYMA" . $MACSYMA)
mload.lisp:;; (t (merror "to-macsyma-namestring: non symbol arg ~M~%" x))))
mload.lisp:;; "takes a macsyma symbol and makes a keyword of it"
mload.lisp:;; ("MACSYMA" . $MACSYMA)
nparse.lisp: ;; INFIX("ABC"); puts into macsyma-operators
outmis.lisp:;; "FROM-PROGRAM:Macsyma
outmis.lisp:;; ">macsyma_mail." macsyma-unique-id)))
outmis.lisp:;; "FROM-PROGRAM:Macsyma
outmis.lisp:;; ">macsyma_mail." macsyma-unique-id)))
outmis.lisp:;; (MFORMAT NIL "~&;Sent to MACSYMA~%")
outmis.lisp:;; (MFORMAT NIL "~%;Sent to MACSYMA")))
outmis.lisp:;; (setq source
"Multics-Macsyma-Consultant -at MIT-MC"))
outmis.lisp:;; (t (setq source "Multics-Macsyma-Bugs
-at MIT-MC")))))
outmis.lisp:;; "[Message from MACSYMA User ~A] (To: ~A) ~A~%"
transl.lisp: ;; "What does a macsyma function call mean?".
transm.lisp:;;(defvar autoload-install-file "dsk:macsyma;transl autoload")