
There is a new version of msethack.lisp in
the same place,

It incorporates Stavros' advice.  The add2lnc has
something to do with some database of defined items,
I think. Maybe used by $kill, $save, ...

The line with add2lnc could simply be removed. I've commented it out.

The first part of the file, the redefinition of mset,
is harmless as long as mset_extension_operators
is at its default, namely nil. (That is, there are
no changes to mset other than slightly better error msgs.)

The second part, which redefines mset_extension_operators
as well as defstruct, new, @, and some utilities, maybe
should be put in a separate file, since it
monopolizes the use of @ for this purpose.


Robert Dodier wrote:

> hello,
> i've taken the liberty of reverting src/mlisp.lisp to the
> previous revision, as it fails to compile with the new code --
> something about "undefined function ADD2LNC".
> which could be fixed, i'm sure, but under the circumstances
> it doesn't seem warranted, so i just rolled it back.
> i have committed prof fateman's code as share/contrib/defstruct.lisp .
> we can tinker with it there and maybe merge it back into
> src/ when it settles.
> hope this helps,
> robert dodier
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