Subject: Re: Composing a programming guide for maxima
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 11:04:39 -0400
> 1) Basic introduction to a .mac file (cos i didn't know how to do it
> when i started)
I would start with interactive use, not batch files.
> 2) Structures
> BLOCKs, Expressions, loops, constraints
A very important topic is the use of symbols *both* as mathematical
variables *and* as programming variables. This is a common stumbling
block in working with Maxima programming.
What do you mean by constraints? Assertions?
You should probably have a section on working with the various Maxima
data types, notably:
-- symbols
-- general symbolic expressions (part, inpart, op, etc.)
-- lists and matrices
-- arrays (though I would mostly suggest that users avoid them)
-- numbers
> 5) Lisp and it's uses within Maxima (from the programming areas
I don't think this belongs in an introduction to Maxima programming.
I think it is a completely separate topic.
> 6) Advanced topics
I think the hardest part is getting the basics right.