The commercial macsyma system allows this, but Maxima allows this
only if you read in the file referred to earlier, msethack.lisp
or its compiled form.
[a,b,c]: [1,2,3] sets, in parallel, a:1, b:2, c:3.
the parallel part means that
sets a to 145, b to 45.
You can also do [a,b,c]:100,
in which case all the variables are set to 100.
The value returned from the assignment is [100,100,100].
Since this is a pure extension to Maxima, not changing any
previous valid behavior, it seems like a benefit.
For the curious, the rather short lisp code needed is given here.
(defparameter mset_extension_operators ;; make MLIST acceptable on LHS of assign.
(cons (cons 'mlist '$mlistassign) mset_extension_operators))
(defmfun $mlistassign (tlist vlist)
;; tlist is ((mlist..) var[0]... var[n]) of targets
;; vlist is either((mlist..) val[0]... val[n]) of values
;; or possibly just one value.
(if (and (listp vlist)
(eq (caar vlist) 'mlist)
(not (= (length tlist)(length vlist))))
(merror "Illegal list assignment: different lengths of ~M and ~M." tlist vlist))
;; end of error checking
;; handle the [a,b,c]:v case
(unless (and (listp vlist)
(eq (caar vlist) 'mlist))
(setf vlist (cons (car tlist) ;; if [a,b,c]:v then make a list [v,v,v]
(make-sequence 'list (1-(length tlist)) :initial-element vlist))))
;; this one line does all the work.
(map nil #'mset (cdr tlist)(cdr vlist))
;; return value from ":"