Documentation Generation for Maxima Files

If you mean source code documentation generated from the lisp files, we
don't :-(.  The closest anyone has come to that is this:

using, which is promising but needs to break up
the listings of the MAXIMA package into smaller html files than 10
megs. Also, it needs to be taught more about the macros used in Maxima
- current listings are incomplete because only defmfun and defmvar are

Part of the problem is just that Maxima's source code is largely
undocumented, so the documentation that gets generated has little to no
docstring based explanation.  IMO this needs to change, but the task is
monumental and in many cases it would be easier (and cleaner) to
rewrite old code than figure it out.

If you want autogenerated source docs, my advice is to add a feature to
albert to allow it to create more reasonable html pages for big
packages, and go from there.


--- "Christiansson, G.A.V." 

> Good day,
> Is there a doxygen (or equivalent) filter for documentation
> generation for Maxima source files?
> How do you produce documentation for your packages?
> What is considered to be best-practice?
> Best regards,
> 			Göran Christiansson
> _______________________________________________
> Maxima mailing list

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