finding multiple roots of non-polynomials

These zeroes are generally transcendental
numbers. If you want to find approximate
zeros of functions (functions that maxima can numerically
evaluate), you can use some kind of iteration
(secant or newton) to converge to a root from
an initial guess. Maybe there is even something
built in, but if not, it is only a few lines of
maxima code.

The solve program does not provide numerical

Finding the (exact) number of multiple roots
of complicated equations is something that no
one knows how to do, so you cannot expect
a computer program to do it.  If you can find
an easier target to aim at, maybe you'll have
better success.


Keith Wald wrote:

> How can I find multiple roots of "complicated"
> equations involving things like x*tan(x)-x, bessel_j
> functions etc.? 
> These come up all the time in boundary value problems,
> but the closest I've gotten using "solve" was the
> single trivial zero of trig functions, and nothing for
> special functions like bessel.
> thanks,
> Keith
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