Extracting a portion of an equation

Dear Fellow Maxima Users,

I have an equation as follows:

(%i20) eq3;
									       1/t		   1/t
								       ((1 - p)	   - 1) r - (1 - p)    + 1
(%o20) 								  [s = -----------------------------------]
										   (1 - p)

I now differentiate this w.r.t s:

(%i24) radcan(diff(eq3,p,1));
										      r - 1
(%o24) 								     [0 = -----------------------------]
										  1/t		 1/t
									  ((1 - p)    p - (1 - p)   ) t

I wish to bind the r.h.s. of this results to a variable. How do I do that ?

Many thanks,

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