hello viktor, you wrote in part:
> Simply put, what remains to be done is that every time you notice that two
> lines are run together, you need to find the appropriate spot in the code
> and apply the appropriate change (adding a conditional or unconditional
> newline either at the end of the first line or the beginning of the second.)
i have briefly reviewed the messages printed by MTELL or FORMAT.
(MERROR messages don't cause newline problems.)
there are about 200 or so altogether. some have ~% at the
beginning of the string, some at the end, some neither.
it would be tedious but straightforward, and pretty much certain
to work OK on different lisp varieties, to make sure all messages
destined for the console have ~% at the end. i believe this would
be enough to prevent the phenomena observed in the bug report.
for what it's worth,
robert dodier