Update of maximahlp-interface

Am 08.09.05 17:11 schrieb Marco Ciampa:
> On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 03:49:04PM +0200, Gottfried Helms wrote:
>>Hi -
>> fwiw: I just uploaded an update for my tiny
>> maxima-gui-interface (win98) at
>>   http://www.uni-kassel.de/~helms/sw/maximahlp/
>> It's meant as a free contribution to the appreciable
>> maxima-open-source-project and its community.
> Hello Gottfried!
> I do not want to be rude (any free project is worth) but
> what exactly do your maximahlp that wxmaxima don't?

I frankly have to say: I just don't really know.
I tried wxmaxima last year, but put it aside again, I
think it was similarly to Texmac the problem, that it
didn't run properly- most likely due to may antique
hardware (700 Mhz, 128 MB) - but also it may be I had
other problems. I really didn't check it again.

So -in short words: it just works with old machines
and you can start immediately - that's all for the
moment what I can say.


A more general point is, that I'm really pissed of
any mixing of input and output-stream. I have written
my own matrix-program and I can't say different than
that it is a complete comfortable feeling, to have
my code in one window and the resulting matrices in
another one - each one as an own single mdi-subwindow.
I get the same comfortable feeling with my type of
interface now: maxima-output there, my editable text
like a notebook/workbook here: inplace correcting
of an typing error and resend - I think, I had to do
this on my own.

Currently I have implemented a simple list of functions;
next idea is, to implement this as a kind of more structured
librarian, for instance using a tree-control instead of a
linear list as a first step and then allow to read in
multiple code-files into separate branches.

If the wxmaxima-group were interested in such things and
a cooperation would be possible (and meaningful) I had
no problem to dispose working on my own tool and get
involved to such an alternative (also depending on
work amount)