Subject: Reconsidering the GPL licensing of Maxima
From: Andrey G. Grozin
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 15:35:00 +0700 (NOVST)
On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Richard Fateman wrote:
> Bill's additions and corrections until (I think) 1990
> need not be restricted by GPL because they were given to DOE
> in DOE-MACSYMA and DOE has the rights to distribute. We see
> DOE is perfectly happy to release them
> under a more liberal license.
More liberal?? It is not even free in the "free beer" sense. Where can I
get these sources without paying to DOE? If I get it, can I redistribute
it for free?
I only contributed small pieces to maxima, mainly to mactex.lisp. I did it
because this code is guaratneed to remain free forever by GPL. I don't
want MathSoft or whatever to use results of my work without paying me. It
you are going to change the license, please, insert back all the bugs in
mactex.lisp which I have fixed.
Andrey Grozin