Reconsidering the GPL licensing of Maxima

On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Raymond Toy wrote:
> >>>>> "Andrey" == Andrey G Grozin  writes:
>     Andrey> I only contributed small pieces to maxima, mainly to mactex.lisp. I did it 
>     Andrey> because this code is guaratneed to remain free forever by GPL. I don't 
>     Andrey> want MathSoft or whatever to use results of my work without paying me. It 
>     Andrey> you are going to change the license, please, insert back all the bugs in 
>     Andrey> mactex.lisp which I have fixed.
> Would you still feel this way if the license were LGPL or LLGPL?  Only
> GPL is acceptable to you?
> I'm just curious.  I understand if you don't want to have your code
> taken away from you.
Well, in this particular case I will not insist. The contributions are too 
small. Perhaps, just a few days of work. So, if there will be a consensus 
about switching to LGPL, so it be.

All code I wrote for (possible) distribution (not just for my personal 
use) is licensed under GPL.
