---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sep 14, 2005 12:28 PM
Subject: Fwd: plot2d cannot create maxout.gnuplot
To: van.nek@gmx.net
hello volker,
thanks for your reply. i appreciate the time you are investing in this effort.
please keep us posted as to your progress.
robert dodier
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: van.Nek@gmx.net
Date: Sep 14, 2005 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: plot2d cannot create maxout.gnuplot
To: robert.dodier@gmail.com
Hello Robert,
tomorrow morning I want to do one more test. After that I will send my
results to you.
The status quo:
Because of the fact, that I did not have the described problem before
I installed the
patches and the rollout for Windows 2000 in august, I think it is a
special Windows
problem, maybe only for 2000.
I use a LAN, where the users don't have write and change access to drive C:\.
The users have a private directory with full access on a file server called U:\.
The $plot2d function creates the file maxout.gnuplot, which is written to
C:\Programme\Maxima-5.9.1\bin, if the user has write-change-access to
that directory. In
our case it is written by Maxima to that private drive U:\. The
function gnuplot-process
respective the function $system then searches for that file.
The tests I have done showed, that if I load the original file plot.lisp from
C:\Programme\Maxima-5.9.1\share\maxima\5.9.1\src before I do plot2d(...); the
described problem occurs, but if I load the same plot.lisp from the
users drive U:\ before
I do plot2d(...);, everything is fine.
For the reason of that, I think the problem might be caused by the fact, that
maxout.gnuplot seems to have no clearly defined path and Windows possibly has
changed something with the 2000 ntfs file system.
So I have modified plot.lisp. I use now *maxima-userdir* to define a path for
maxout.gnuplot. That works on my computer at home and I hope, that it
will work for the
users in our LAN.
Volker van Nek