In Maxima 5.9.1 I can do the following:
(%i47) declare(t, real);
(%o47) DONE
(%i48) sqrt(2) * cos(t - pi/4);
(%o48) sqrt(2)*cos(t-%pi/4)
(%i49) trigrat(%);
(%o49) sin(t)+cos(t)
I had no idea until today that the TRIGRAT function
existed. I happened to find it in one of wxMaxima's
pull-down menus, and I clicked it to see what it would
do. There are other simplifications that Maxima seems
to be able to perform, but figuring out which commands
to use and what order to apply them in is daunting to
a newbie.
I use the built-in Help facilities that come with
wxMaxima. There is a "Quick Start" guide that gives a
broad overview, but after reading it I have no
instinct. The regular help pages are a great
reference, I am sure, for veteran users.
I am not sure who is working on the "Newbie Tutorial"
project now. I suggest that they include an EXPANSIVE
chapter on simplification, with WAY TOO MANY examples.
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