I am not familiar with those books, but Google produced the following
link http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2003/004000.html that
might help you make your decision.
BTW, "Milan" mentinoned in that web page is not me.
* Fred J. <phddas@yahoo.com> [2005-09-16 14:37:05 -0700]:
> I am looking for a book on Calculus using Maxima. I
> came across this link
> http://www.math.utexas.edu/pipermail/maxima/2003/004000.html
> which is 2 years old. it was helpful in suggesting 2
> books;
> Computer-Supported Calculus
> by Robert P. Gilbert, Adi Ben-Israel
> ISBN: 32118-2924-5
> Macsyma Tutorial for Calculus, by Richard N. Fell,
> Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts,
> 1998
> 2 years have passed and before going and buy them I
> wanted to drop a post asking for suggestions.
> thank you
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