> I'm trying to download the Maxima help file(the one in pdf format). I can
> download it, but not open it in acrobat reader, I get an error saying the file is
> corrupted and not repairable. I've downloaded the file twice and gotten the
> same error message.
OK, i assume you mean
(if you are using some other link, please let us know.
all other versions of the maxima reference manual are out of date.)
i can successfully download and open this maxima.pdf.
it is 1654702 bytes and its md5 checksum is 6a02a68b7045373a8c158941acd0185e.
perhaps you need to make sure that your browser downloads
the file in binary mode instead of text mode?
i don't know how to do that.
perhaps you will have greater success with the html version --
sorry i can't be more helpful,
robert dodier